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Our mission

By immersing ourselves in the heart of Poland, we open the door to its extraordinary history, with a focus on the values of solidarity, openness and readiness to help others that resonated during the conflict in Ukraine.

Exploring Polish uniqueness in the context of the conflict in Ukraine

Our mission begins with discovering Polish uniqueness in the context of the conflict in Ukraine. Poland is much more than just a point on the map – it is first and foremost a society that has shown an extraordinary spirit of solidarity, openness and readiness to help others during these difficult times. This is the essence of our “inPolish” mission.

Poland as an Exceptional Society during the Conflict

During the conflict in Ukraine, Poles showed extraordinary commitment and openness. Poles opened their homes, built ties with refugees and showed support during difficult times. It is these acts of solidarity that form the foundation of our ‘inPolish’ project.

Why ‘inPolish’?

So why “inPolish?” It’s not just about telling Poland’s story, but about highlighting the best of Polish society in the context of the conflict in Ukraine. It’s about exploring the spirit of openness, cooperation and readiness to help that emerged during those difficult days.

Inspired by the behavior of Poles during the conflict

The “inPolish” project is our attempt to inspire others by introducing them to the story of this society during the conflict in Ukraine. We want our story to be a source of inspiration and motivation for action to integrate and support other people, just as Poles did during the conflict.

Sharing Inspiring Stories from the Conflict

As part of the inPolish project, we share inspiring videos and stories that show how Polish society responded to the challenges of the conflict in Ukraine. These are stories about people who make the world a better place, especially in the most difficult situations. We want to show that solidarity, openness and readiness to help are values inherent in Polish society.

Why It’s Important

Our work is of great importance. Why? Because we want Poland to be associated not only with history or geography, but above all with people who, in difficult times, are able to demonstrate exceptional altruism and readiness to help others, as was the case during the conflict in Ukraine.

Building Bridges Between Cultures and Nations

Our mission is also to build bridges between cultures and nations, regardless of origin or religion. We want our story to inspire others to engage in integration processes and support those who need support.

We Invite You to Join

This is not just our story. It is a story you can co-create. We invite you to join our mission. Together we can show the world that Poland is not just a country on a map, it is first and foremost a society that inspires others to take action to integrate, support and build a better world. We are convinced that together we can change the world for the better, just as we did during the conflict in Ukraine.